Hardtstraße 37a, 76185 Karlsruhe

Mihir Grover
Mihir Grover

WORKSHOP - Mihir Grover

25.01.25 12.30 – 15.30
Contemporary Dance and Floorwork

The training focuses on Contemporary and Floorwork Technique and is designed to provide dancers with an approach to movement focusing on breath, fluidity, strength, and agility. Using the techniques of weight shifting each class begins with a breathing warm-up that focuses on connection, coordination and alignment. This practice helps the dancers navigate movements in space caused by the change in the way of their breathing.

Through various tasks dancers engage their body finding ways of movement transitioning through different dynamic qualities, enhancing their awareness and connection to the breath.

Open Level. Für Teilnehmende mit Vorkenntnissen.
Bitte bringt euch bequeme Kleidung und Wasser mit
Teilnahmegebühr: 30 bis 45 Euro je nach eigenen Ressourcen
Anmeldung an [email protected] bis zum 19.01.2025
Der Workshop findet auf englischer Sprache statt.

About Mihir

Mihir Grover is a Contemporary Teacher, Choreographer and Dancer from Mumbai,India. He is based in Hamburg since 2022. He is a Teacher and Choreographer at Contemporary Dance School Hamburg (CDSH) and also teaches at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg (HfMT).
Mihir trained and worked from  2005 – 2014 with the Terence Lewis
Contemporary Dance Company in Mumbai, India. 
In 2014 he went on to train at Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (KCDC)
Dance Journey Program for 10 months in Isreal. 
From 2015-2017 Mihir was a part of Fresco Dance Company in Tel Aviv, Israel.
In February 2024 Mihir premiered his first contemporary Dance show titled RAFU at Hamburger Sprechwerk Theater in Hamburg, Germany.
Mihir has been conducting workshops in Europe since 2018:
K3 Zentrum for choreographie 2024. Fringe Istanbul Festival 2020,2021(Online) and 2023 Dock 11 studios in Berlin 2019
Krakow Dance Theater 2018.